Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Theme of Love in The Sun Also Rises - 648 Words

Love is a universal language; it is something that everyone understands. It does not necessarily have to be spoken of; instead it can be shown through people’s action. In most novels love is an unseen character yet it plays this strong force that moves the story along. Ernest Hemingway writes about a group of people who are trapped in a wearisome game of love. In The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes, the protagonist, is a journalist whose war injury causes him to be handicapped. He is madly in love with Lady Brett who loves him in return. However, they cannot complete their relationship because of Jake’s injury. Therefore all he can do is helplessly watch as Brett dates other men. Their forbidden love is similar to the story of Romeo and†¦show more content†¦This is because the woman he loves brought another man while she knows that he loves her. Hemingway did not have to describe the anger or frustration Jake was encountering instead he used dialogue to show us ho w angry was. Hemingway also uses dialogue as a way to distinguish a specific class in society. On page 69, Brett introduces an African drummer to Jake. This African drummer lived in France for a decent amount of time, however due to his poor education his dialect is slurred. I think that his skin color probably placed him on the bottom of the social ladder contributing to his poor education. Imagery also plays a significant role in this story. Unlike many authors Hemingway’s descriptions are simple. His imagery also enables the reader to understand the characters’ feelings. â€Å"Her eyes looked flat again† (35), Hemingway uses Brett’s eyes to describe her unhappiness. Throughout the novel the readers can â€Å"see† the way Brett feels through her eyes. Hemingway specifically uses her eyes to describe her emotions, while he uses dialogue for other characters. Hemingway also uses vivid and simple words to illustrate the setting. â€Å"[†¦]rolling and grassy[†¦]the grass was short from the sheep grazing† (121). Although his imagery is straightforward it allows the audience to experience a more realistic setting, rather than a over-the-top setting. His imagery also allows room for imagination, in many casesShow MoreRelated Ernest Hemingway Essay868 Words   |  4 Pages Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Marvel â€Å"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever . . . The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose . . . 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