Sunday, March 15, 2020

Who Needs an Equal Rights Amendment You do essays

Who Needs an Equal Rights Amendment You do essays a. Since current sex discrimination laws are not based on constitutional amendments, are poorly enforced and are subject to interpretation. An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution is the only way to ensure the consistent enforcement of laws protecting the rights of women. b. Since there is no Constitutional protection for women are underpaid in regards to men in similar positions. An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution would end the underpaid and undervalued status of women in the workforce. c. Since Laws to protect women from discrimination due to pregnancy are not protected by a constitutional amendment. An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution would guarantee the integrity of a women's body unto herself. d. Since elderly women are economically discriminated against due to both their sex and economic situations. An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution would protect against sex discrimination in pensions, insurance and social security. e. Since discrimination against people due to their sex occurs in many basic areas. There is not an amendment protecting the rights of an individual regardless of sexual orientation. An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution would protect against discrimination due to sexual orientation. a. Since...Laws to prevent sex discrimination are ephemeral, or short-lived And...hard won laws against sex discrimination do not rest on strong Constitutional foundation And...current laws contain loopholes, are misinterpreted and ignored And...current laws may be weakened by amendment or repealed Therefore...An Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution is the only way to ensure the consistent enforcement of laws protecting the rights of women. b. Since...Women are discriminated against in the workforce And...women still remain underpaid in comparison to their male counterparts in identical jobs And...federal laws do not address issues of pay equity for compar...

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