Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gender Stereotypes And Its Effect On Society - 1418 Words

Males are often generalized in regards to how manly their attributes are considered and if their role in society is associated with masculine ideals. Generalizations that exist are such of men should; be athletic and strong, be in charge, be the head of the family, to make the money, to want sex, and not show emotions. These generalizations are portrayed and instilled in our lives from media influence to even the adults in our lives telling us so. Males all over the world grow up trying to abide by the set limits society deems a male should do. The mindset of today’s society is tainted with these stereotypes that wrongly push males to conform to society’s generalizations as they grow up. The time period in which we are young is an important developmental moment, for youths are beginning to develop their sense of themselves. Individuals begin to find characteristics they want to define themselves with. This is often a confusing time since everyone is their own unique person, making everyone not the same. Yet in our societies there is a certain mind set on what characteristics processed are viewed as a masculine or feminine. So when a young male finds himself with these â€Å"feminine† traits, he sees it as something wrong with him and that he shouldn’t be that way. We live in a world where all you want to do is fit in and be accepted, so as a child that’s all we strive to do. Our mental development is greatly affected by the cultural norm, we are exposed to as we are growing up.Show MoreRelatedGender Stereotypes And Its Effects On Society893 Words   |  4 PagesIn society it is very hard to get away from sexism. It shows up in the media, clothing products, toys, and even television shows. Not only do we have lingerie commercials on television but now they consist of very skinny models with big breasts and of course they are gorgeous and a size zero. What ever happened to the overweight women, or the flat chested lady that just had three kids, why is she not on the runway showing off the new items for Victoria’s Secret? From a marketing perspective; sexRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Its Effect On Society966 Words   |  4 Pagesand images that surround us become a part of the culture in society and typically represent and reinforce a fabrication of gender roles, which ultimately frames gender stereotype. This is known as the gender ideology, a p rocess that society considers normal and because of this, we abide by these distinctions without realizing the repercussions. Nonetheless, the advertisers and editors of images put forth great effort in molding each gender differently. Women, for example, obtain an ideal view as beingRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Its Effect On Society861 Words   |  4 PagesZac Galifianakis once stated, â€Å"Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, your taste in music, what you look like, and how you act. Enjoy your stay.† Today’s society lives under optimum power, commonly known as a democracy. Actually, humanity has so much power that it is able to manipulate people’s behavior and perception in life. Unfortunately, society expects a certain behavior from everyone. For example, men are expected to go to work and bring wealth to the family while womenRead MoreThe Role Of Gender And Stereotyping Of The Sexes Essay972 Words   |  4 PagesIn this paper I will discuss how the role of gender and the stereotypes of the sexes relate. I will also discuss the child’s perception of their male and female superiors and in the way they carry out their own behavior in regards to what has been introduced to them. In this paper I want to also expand on the basic stereotypes that we as individuals portray toward a gender. Gender and stereotyping is among a broad spectrum. There is an expansive amount of content, but the concept still remains theRead MoreHow Women Are Portrayed On Advertising And The Second Looks At This Time1104 Words   |  5 Pageshas on women in society. 2. State the claim the study supports The scholarly article I am reviewing is a research article that did two separate examinations on the role of humor in gender stereotypes. The first one is the role of humor seen in television advertisements and the second looks at peoples attitudes toward humorous and non-humorous ads that have gender stereotypes in them and how that would affect a persons desire to buy. There has been a lot of research done on the gender stereotyping,Read MoreGender Roles And Gender : A Season Of Madness By Hanan Al Shaykh950 Words   |  4 PagesGender Roles And Gender Stereotype Problems in society Gender problems are big problems in society. Although today s gender problems are better than before, it still cannot be resolved completely. There are many kinds of gender problems. For example, gender role, gender identity, gender stereotypes and gender-equal problems. The short story A Season of Madness, by Hanan Al-Shaykh, shows some problems of genders and society. In A Season of Madness, the author tells a story of a Lebanese woman-Read MoreThe Negative Effect Of Stereotypes1613 Words   |  7 PagesThe Negative Effect of Stereotypes in Comedy We all laugh at the things we see in the media that are perceived as funny; whether it be appropriate or offensive. One of the most popular subjects that comedians and comedy shows rely on is stereotypes. Stereotypes play a large role in society and the everyday lives of individuals. These stereotypes have resulted in blurred assumptions of others based on what we see and hear in the media. The use of stereotypes in comedy to make something funny has aRead MoreStereotyping : Stereotypes And Stereotyping1494 Words   |  6 Pages In everyday life Stereotypes are used, they are directed towards ethnicity, gender, and education. â€Å"In ethnicity, we have the ideas that each race is a certain way† (Aronson. The impact of stereotypes). Here are a couple of examples for blacks, they all can run fast, and that they are all about the welfare system. â€Å"For Hispanics they are stereotyped as being crazy, loud, lazy, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and slutty† (Typical stereotypes of Hispanics). The stereotypes of ethnicity is causingRead MoreGender Roles And Stereotypes1719 Words   |  7 PagesWhether it is consciously or unconsciously, we humans tend to characterize people by their gender. â€Å"Often, gender expectations or stereotypes shape our thoughts and interactions with others in subtle yet perceptible ways† (Block 1). When children enter the school environment, they will likely experience a number of issues relating to gender. They will continue to encounter gender issues thr oughout their lifetime, so it is important that we teach them to address these issues appropriately. TeachersRead MoreStereotypes And Stereotypes Of Gender Stereotypes1588 Words   |  7 PagesSociety today holds many stereotypes, and sometimes people will rebel against the stereotypes in order to embrace the individual and oppose social norms. However, some stereotypes are harder to rebel against than other. A stereotype that might be harder to break, either because the people who believe in that stereotype are too ignorant to look past it or because the people who need to rebel are not able to, is gender based stereotypes. One example of this type of stereotype is when gender roles appear

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The New World A Final Examination Of God And Man s...

The New World: a final examination of God and man’s relationship The Bible consists of a wide array of stories and themes that has captured audiences’ attention and interest across borders and time for a number of reasons. However, it is particularly interesting to compare the beginning and end of the Bible – Genesis and Revelation – in order to observe on what terms the dynamic relationship between man and God began and ended. It can be argued that one’s understanding of this relationship between man and God is vital in one’s understanding of the deeper meaning behind the stories within the Bible. Therefore, by comparing and contrasting analogous moments from the first verses of Genesis and the last verses of Revelation, one can see†¦show more content†¦This suggests that their bond can never be broken no matter how much pain they cause one another. Also, the suggestion that God – and associates - has entered this eternal partnership with man conveys the trust God had to have in man to remain fai thful and obedient to his guidance in order to foster a healthy relationship. Moreover, Jesus continues this assertion of immortality when he says to John: â€Å"‘do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and Hades’† (Rev 1.17). This continuation of God being the â€Å"beginning and end† emphasizes the importance of this eternal relationship because it is God that created man and God that will (hopefully) greet man once they return to the dust they were created from. Moreover, Coogan explains in the footnotes that â€Å"Hades, used here with its synonym Death, is the abode of the dead† and that â€Å"Jesus has the keys to release those confined within its gates† (Coogan 2156). This further shows the eternal nature of God – and his vessels – that is tied to mankind. In the beginning God gives life to man and in the end God is t here to guide man to the afterlife. Therefore, the importance of examining the books of Genesis and Revelation together can be seen by comparing and contrasting the state of mankind and God’s relationship in the first chapters of Genesis and the last chapters of Revelations - which shows

Friday, December 13, 2019

Formation and Maintenance of Relationship Free Essays

Describe and evaluate the formation and maintenance of relationships In the field of psychology, the most common relationships are classified into 3 types: * Romantic relationship * Social relationships (Friendship) * Family relationship Romantic relationships Formation: According to the Reward/ Need satisfaction theory of Bryne and Clore in the 1970s, some romantic relationship may develop due to their satisfaction and happiness they achieve when spending time with the other partner. Most people when being asked why they are attracted to their partners would reply back with answers like attentive, attractive, supporting, caring, etc. This suggests that we are more likely to be attracted to people that we are satisfied or gratified to be with. We will write a custom essay sample on Formation and Maintenance of Relationship or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most stimuli in our lives can be classified into negative and rewarding ones. We tend to search for rewarding stimuli and avoid the negative stimuli. The things that we are most likely going to find rewarding tend to reflect our unsatisfied needs such as the need for company, financial security, an attractive partner and so on. Mutual attractions usually occurs when one meets the other’s needs although one might need company and the other in search for financial security. Maintenance: What keeps relationships going? Some relationship never seem to last and have any passion in while some can be extremely long-lasting and may even last for a life-time. Maintaining relationships was never a one-way process, it involves and requires the interaction of both the participants, each with their own needs and expectations. The partners not only have to serve their own needs but also satisfy the needs of their partners. The social exchange theory by Thibaut and Kelley in 1959: In terms of profit and loss, individuals always attempt to maximise the profit and minimise the effort needed. Rewards that may be received in a relationship can vary from care, money, companionship and sex. The effort needed that is the costs may vary from financial investments, time spent and attention given. The reward minus the costs is equal to the outcome or the profitability of the relationship. The stress of a relationship is dependent on the profitability of the relationship. Equilty theory of Walster et al. in 1978: This theory suggests that the most successful and longterm relationships are ones that have a balanced giving and receiving. It had a central assumption that everyone long for fairness in their relationship and when one puts a lot of effort into the relationship but gets little in return, they would feel unfair and inequity would create stress in the relationship, The greater the unfairness and inequity is, the more distress it would create in the relationship. Other theories: Other theories such as the one put forward by Steil and Wletman in 1991 suggests that men and women may judge the equity of a relationship more differently. Studies have shown that when the income is mainly from the male side, the career would become a more important priority and it is usually agreed by both sides. However, when the female earn more than the male, neither partner rated their career as priority. Social relationships: Friendship Interpersonal psychology research object: Psychological relationship between people, is something much deeper than behavior, the relevance and necessity of the law of the behavior of the individual exchanges. Interpersonal theory of psychological research tasks: Is to fully reveal and clarify the general rules and mechanisms of interpersonal development, analyze the theoretical basis of interpersonal figure out individual and personal interaction of individuals and groups, and people in the system of interpersonal functioning explore interpersonal attitudes, social perception, self-perception, psychological control, interpersonal influence, interpersonal attraction, interpersonal conflict and group behavior, interpersonal. To establish interpersonal psychology unique concepts, terminology, category system, to provide a basis for further improve interpersonal psychology scientific theoretical system, accumulation of material for the enrichment and development of psychological theory and methods, this is a long and arduous job. At the same time, but also the interpersonal psychology in China as soon as possible, that is suitable for China’s national conditions, after selection – intake – the Chinese way, to establish the actual interpersonal psychology system in line with China’s national conditions for reform and opening up. Task of the interpersonal psychological research practice: (1) the right to deal with interpersonal relationships. (2) to adjust the interpersonal relationships. (3) continue to improve interpersonal relationships. (4) the development of new relationships. (5) correct deformity relationships. Interpersonal relations and social relations: (1) interpersonal and social relations are two different concepts, can not be confused. Interpersonal relationships as a social relationship between the role and any other kind of social relations, is bound by the constraints of the relations of production, but also by other social relations, and thus should be examined in the interpersonal relationships within the social relations. At the same time, we should also see interpersonal relationships is the true reality of social relations phenomenon. 2) interpersonal and objective social relations is generated at the same time, interpersonal outset by the constraints impact of social relations, social relations exist in the relationships among Of course, social relations with the interpersonal concept of two-level has different theoretical generalization force. Emphasize the reality of the relationship between the overall aspects of non-personalized social relations, interpersonal relationships is more individual, personalized to show the reality aspect. Relationships are formed on the basis of the social relations, but not the same thing. Social relations is the object of sociological research, which on the one hand to study the relationship of the human and material; the other hand, social relations, including the relationship between the ideological, legal relationship, the moral relationship. While interpersonal interpersonal direct psychological relations, it is constrained by social relations, is a reflection of social relations, but it has a certain relative independence. Relationships are a product of social relations: (1) any kind of interpersonal is always social relations. (2) the fundamental nature of human relationships is determined by the nature of the social patterns of social relations of production. (3) changes in interpersonal relationships is determined by changes in social relations. (4) the complexity of the personal relationships is determined by the complexity of the social relations. Necessity of interpersonal Research: Not exist in isolation, the links with the community, is bound to a variety of relationships, including family relationships, friend relationship, Jacky (students) relationship, the teacher-student relationship, employment relationship, comrades relations, colleagues and leadership and leadership relations. With the thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the process of interaction of these relationships, interaction and communication with others, these relations between different objects will point to different directions. Healthy relationship is to attract and cooperation; but because of the environmental impact of personality factors, psychological factors and other reasons, many people deal with bad interpersonal relationships will inevitably be caught in the contradictions and pain, the relationship between the parties do not have enough wisdom to resolve resulting inner conflict, will be plunged into a crisis of human relationships, even interpersonal psychological barriers, thereby reducing their life happiness index. Important links between interpersonal and psychological health, good interpersonal comes from a healthy state of mind, self-confident, optimistic, calm, fraternity, to help others, humility, tolerance, and so on, these good quality behavior in interpersonal play a very good role in promoting, healthy relationships can also make people relieve stress, calm down, people’s personal development, physical and mental health also played a positive role. On the other hand, problems in interpersonal relationships, will be more or less there some psychological problems, even psychological barriers interpersonal, in the interaction between people, they express more conceited, self-esteem negative psychological interference of others, suspicious, sensitive, jealous, resulting interpersonal again and again thwarted. Therefore, to study the psychology of interpersonal relationships came into being. How to cite Formation and Maintenance of Relationship, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Populate or Perish

Question: Write about thePopulate or Perish. Answer: With the end of the World War II, the government of Australia took the significant step for implementing the changes related to migration. The near invasion of Australia by the Japanese was the time when Australia required rethinking about their ideal population. Australia has been the country that has been founded on the colonial ideologies by the white supremacy and the cultural homogeneity (Farquharson, K., 2015). These were the main ideologies that shaped and supported the settlers in Australia with the aboriginal population of the country. These ideologies were also responsible in shaping the migration system, migration policy and Immigration Restriction Act of 1901, which was also called as White Australia Policy. Australia perceived itself as the white country and white people and separated themselves from Asians. After the end of the World War II, Australia needed the skilled migrants for the reconstruction and industrialization of Australia. The country also required the human capital for the nations defense. Therefore, the country required to Populate or Perish. The slogan was given for the post war migration. According to the Prime Minister Ben Chifley, Australia was the target of the powerful enemy and the threat of invasion could arise again. Therefore, the Prime Minister believed that Australia should populate as soon as it can before someone else decide to populate it. The near invasion of Japan was the national experience that stressed on rethinking on the racist White Australia Policy (Birrell, Hill, and Nevill, 1984). After dismantling the White Australia Policy, the migration policy of the country shifted to skills rather than race. Austrlian has been positive about the idea of increasing its population by providing entry to the skilled migrants, but mainly preferred the European m igrants, who were the skilled miners, factory workers and construction workers. The European migrants brought customs, languages and better experience that was different from the British migrants (Madden, J.A., 2015). The number of the British migrants decline, while Australian government started recruiting people from different sources. The government of Australia started providing agreement for the assisted tradesman and unskilled laborers. The government also started bringing displaced people from Eastern Europe and Baltic States. These people were brought under the care of the International Refugee Organization. In the year 1949, the large scale immigration had started that included the immigrants from the non-English speaking parts of Europe. Populate and Perish was not just about increasing the population of the country, but it was also to increase the socio-economic status of the country through skilled workers. Government of Australia started accepting migrants from the Western and Southern Europe because of their trade qualification and skills. The skills and knowledge of these migrants helped in developing the industrial projects of Western Australia. Some of the most significant industries were Chamberlain tractors, the Wondowie charcoal, iron and steel industry, the Kwinana oil refinery, steel rolling and cement manufacturing projects and the alumina industry at Pinjarra (Brett, 2007, 13). Australia has been the country that has been racially selective, which was formally abolished by Whitlam government in the year 1973. The white socio-cultural dominance in Australia was a major matter of concern with too many abortions. Aborting women were seen as the threat to the security of the white socio-cultural hegemony (Millar, E., 2015). The migrants, who were brought to Australia and were kept in the refugee camps, those immigrants were placed in Holden Camp at Northam, where they received shelter and food and also assistance from the Commonwealth government. The New Australian received assistance in the form of English language classes and vocational training, so that they could effectively settle in their new homeland (Armillei, R. and Mascitelli, B., 2017). After the WWII and complexities of the modern visa system, The Australian Government continues to focus on the migration policy that helps in selecting the specific migrants, who are young, wealthy and healthy. The migration policy of Australia still supports British hegemony and white dominance; continues the selective mass immigration for strengthening the military and economics of the country and continue to have the control of State (Armillei, R. and Mascitelli, B., 2017). Australia is the country that has faced and continued to practice racism, discrimination and inequality. The government of Australia mainly focused on making a white country, where the people should only be white. The gender inequality also prevailed (de Lepervanche, 2013). The discrimination was also seen in the immigration policies. Australian government restricted the entry of the migrants from India and China and preferred that only white people should enter the country and give birth to white males that would increase the population of this small country (Soldatic, K., 2015). The policy of 1970 for restricting the entry of the non-white people in the country did not worked effectively, as many Asian entered Australia and made it a multicultural country (Armillei, R. and Mascitelli, B., 2017). The law of against the non-Europeans was slowly abolished and non-European were allowed to settle permanently in Australia with some restrictions. The restriction from the Asian immigrants was removed in the year 1966 (Armillei, R. and Mascitelli, B., 2017).. In the year 1973 the White Australia Policy was replaced by the multicultural policy. In the late 20th century, the demographics of the country changed due to the increase in the number of Chinese and other Asian immigrants. After 1970s there was the decline in the number of the European and Italian immigrants, because Europe and Italy changed their financial condition and those people stopped looking outside their country for employment. However the slogan of populate or perish was mainly fulfilled by the European migrants, who became the main drivers of the population growth and also growth of diversity in Australia. Therefore, Australia is considered as the multicultural society, because it accepted the people from various cu ltures to become the permanent settlers in Australia. Racism and discrimination also remained high due to cultural diversity in the nation, but cultural diversity played a significant role in the development and growth of Australian economics. Bibliography Armillei, R. and Mascitelli, B., 2017. From White Australia Policyto MulticulturalAustralia: Italian and Other Migrant Settlement in Australia. InLiving in Two Homes: Integration, Identity and Education of Transnational Migrants in a Globalized World(pp. 113-134). Emerald Publishing Limited. Birrell, R., Hill, D. and Nevill, J., 1984. Populate and perish? The stresses of population growth in Australia. Brett, J., 2007. The country, the city and the state in the Australian settlement.Australian Journal of Political Science,42(1), pp.1-17. de Lepervanche, M., 2013. Racism and sexism in Australian national life.Sydney Studies in Society and Culture,4. Farquharson, K., 2015, July. Australian Racial Ideology: From Cultural Homogeneity to Multiculturalism? In22nd International Conference of Europeanists. Ces. Madden, J.A., 2015.British migrants in post-war South Australia: expectations and lived experiences(Doctoral dissertation). Millar, E., 2015. Too Many Anxious White Nationalism and the Biopolitics of Abortion.Australian Feminist Studies,30(83), pp.82-98. Soldatic, K., 2015. Post-colonial re productions: Disability, indigeneity and the formation of the white masculine settler state of Australia.Social Identities,21(1), pp.53-68.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Henrik Ibsen Essays - Ibsen Family, Henrik Ibsen, Ibsen, Catiline

Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen was born at Skien in Norway on March 20, 1828. When he was eight, his father went bankrupt. This event made a deep impression upon him. After they went bankrupt, his family moved to a small farm north of the town where they lived in poverty. Henrik was forced to attend a small local school. He received a substandard education. In 1843, the family returned to town. Unfortunately they were still poor. Ibsen came from a very dysfunctional family. His domineering father was an alcoholic who found solace in alcohol. His quiet mother found comfort in religion. He used them as a model for his plays. The blend of an overbearing husband and a submissive wife made appearances in his plays Brand, A Doll's House, and Ghosts. The bitter character of Hjalmar Ekdal in The Wild Duck was based on Ibsen's father. When he was sixteen, he moved to Grimstad to work for a druggist. He had wanted to become a doctor, but game up on the idea after he failed Greek and Math on his University entrance exams. Medicine was not his only ambition. He also wanted to be a painter. In 1850, Ibsen entered the first of his three writing periods. His romantic period went from 1850 to 1873. The greatest works from this period are the Brandand Peer Gynt Most of the plays that he wrote during these years are romantic historical dramas. Lady Inger of Ostraat was a romantic drama with intrigue. The Vikings of Helgeland was a simple and sad tragedy. The last play of the Romantic period was Emperor and Galilean. It is similar to Ibsen's other play Catiline because it showed his impatience with traditional attitudes and values. In both plays he showed sympathy for historical characters who were famous for being rebellious. Ibsen became the stage manager and playwright of the National Stage in Bergen in 1851. He worked there for six years. In 1857, he moved to Christiania (Oslo), where he became director of the Norwegian Theatre. He neglected both writing and the theatre. He plunged into social life with his literary friends and drank heavily. In 1858, Ibsen married Suzannah Thoresen, with whom he had one child, Sigurd Ibsen. This was a marriage that was often as misunderstood as the marriages of Ibsen's dramas. At the age of thirty, Ibsen saw his first performances of Shakespeare in Copenhagen and Dresden. Shakespeare's work convinced Ibsen that serious drama must strive toward a psychological truth and form its basis on the characters and conflicts of mankind. Ibsen and his friend Bjrnstjerne Bjrnson founded "The Norwegian Company" in 1859. After the Norwegian Theatre went bankrupt in 1862, Ibsen was depressed and broke. As a result, he was sometimes seen drunk on the streets of Christiania. His success with The Pretenders in 1863 inspired him to write several poems. Ibsen became bitterly disappointed with current political events, especially Norway's failure to help the Danes in their war against Prussia. In 1864 he left Norway. After he left, he spent most of his time in Rome, Dresden and Munich. He was supported by a pension from the Norwegian state and income from his books. In 1866, he had a significant breakthrough with his play Brand. In his speech to Christiania students in 1874, Ibsen said, "All I have written, I have mentally lived through. Partly I have written on that which only by glimpses, and at my best moments, I have felt stirring vividly within me as something great and beautiful. I have written on that which, so to speak, has stood higher than my daily self. But I have also written on the opposite, on that which to introspective contemplation appears as the dregs and sediments of one's own nature. Yes, gentlemen, nobody can poetically present that to which he has not to a certain degree and at least at times the model within himself." In 1877, Ibsen entered his second period of writing with his play Pillars of Society. Ibsen wrote a series of plays dealing with social problems, such as A Doll's House and Ghosts. He also wrote a series of plays dealing with psychological problems, such as The Lady from the Seas and Hedda Gabler. He wrote eight plays during of this period and both originated and perfected the problem play. The term "problem play" refers specifically to the type of drama which Ibsen wrote beginning with Pillars of Society in 1877. In these plays, the emphasis is on the presentation of a social or Henrik Ibsen Essays - Ibsen Family, Henrik Ibsen, Ibsen, Catiline Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen was born at Skien in Norway on March 20, 1828. When he was eight, his father went bankrupt. This event made a deep impression upon him. After they went bankrupt, his family moved to a small farm north of the town where they lived in poverty. Henrik was forced to attend a small local school. He received a substandard education. In 1843, the family returned to town. Unfortunately they were still poor. Ibsen came from a very dysfunctional family. His domineering father was an alcoholic who found solace in alcohol. His quiet mother found comfort in religion. He used them as a model for his plays. The blend of an overbearing husband and a submissive wife made appearances in his plays Brand, A Doll's House, and Ghosts. The bitter character of Hjalmar Ekdal in The Wild Duck was based on Ibsen's father. When he was sixteen, he moved to Grimstad to work for a druggist. He had wanted to become a doctor, but game up on the idea after he failed Greek and Math on his University entrance exams. Medicine was not his only ambition. He also wanted to be a painter. In 1850, Ibsen entered the first of his three writing periods. His romantic period went from 1850 to 1873. The greatest works from this period are the Brandand Peer Gynt Most of the plays that he wrote during these years are romantic historical dramas. Lady Inger of Ostraat was a romantic drama with intrigue. The Vikings of Helgeland was a simple and sad tragedy. The last play of the Romantic period was Emperor and Galilean. It is similar to Ibsen's other play Catiline because it showed his impatience with traditional attitudes and values. In both plays he showed sympathy for historical characters who were famous for being rebellious. Ibsen became the stage manager and playwright of the National Stage in Bergen in 1851. He worked there for six years. In 1857, he moved to Christiania (Oslo), where he became director of the Norwegian Theatre. He neglected both writing and the theatre. He plunged into social life with his literary friends and drank heavily. In 1858, Ibsen married Suzannah Thoresen, with whom he had one child, Sigurd Ibsen. This was a marriage that was often as misunderstood as the marriages of Ibsen's dramas. At the age of thirty, Ibsen saw his first performances of Shakespeare in Copenhagen and Dresden. Shakespeare's work convinced Ibsen that serious drama must strive toward a psychological truth and form its basis on the characters and conflicts of mankind. Ibsen and his friend Bjrnstjerne Bjrnson founded "The Norwegian Company" in 1859. After the Norwegian Theatre went bankrupt in 1862, Ibsen was depressed and broke. As a result, he was sometimes seen drunk on the streets of Christiania. His success with The Pretenders in 1863 inspired him to write several poems. Ibsen became bitterly disappointed with current political events, especially Norway's failure to help the Danes in their war against Prussia. In 1864 he left Norway. After he left, he spent most of his time in Rome, Dresden and Munich. He was supported by a pension from the Norwegian state and income from his books. In 1866, he had a significant breakthrough with his play Brand. In his speech to Christiania students in 1874, Ibsen said, "All I have written, I have mentally lived through. Partly I have written on that which only by glimpses, and at my best moments, I have felt stirring vividly within me as something great and beautiful. I have written on that which, so to speak, has stood higher than my daily self. But I have also written on the opposite, on that which to introspective contemplation appears as the dregs and sediments of one's own nature. Yes, gentlemen, nobody can poetically present that to which he has not to a certain degree and at least at times the model within himself." In 1877, Ibsen entered his second period of writing with his play Pillars of Society. Ibsen wrote a series of plays dealing with social problems, such as A Doll's House and Ghosts. He also wrote a series of plays dealing with psychological problems, such as The Lady from the Seas and Hedda Gabler. He wrote eight plays during of this period and both originated and perfected the problem play. The term "problem play" refers specifically to the type of drama which Ibsen wrote beginning with Pillars of Society in 1877. In these plays, the emphasis is on the presentation of a social or

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Fascinating Argumentative Essay Sample on Types of English Speakers

buy custom Fascinating Argumentative Essay Sample on Types of English Speakers Argumentative Essay Sample on Types of English Speakers Abstract The linguistic classification of English speakers from the Outer Circle nations, such as Singapore, Malaysia and India, is usually vague, since the types of English they speak are considered by many individuals as different from inter-languages; however, they are not considered as English native varieties. This research paper will make an argument about sending the UAE students to study in the Outer Circle countries. It will concentrate on why high school graduates from the UAE should or should not be offered scholarships in the Outer Circle countries. This is because the type of English that is being taught in the Outer Circle countries is not the same to what the students are being taught in the UAE schools. Besides, there should be the establishment of a policy, which will regulate the criteria of sending students to the Outer Circle countries. This paper will consist of the following sections: introduction, background, the UAE community attitude, analysis of the findings of the i nterview and conclusions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal and professional development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Personal and professional development - Essay Example Life is a journey of a self-discovery. I can’t believe how far I’ve come considering my childhood on the tiny Japanese island of Okinawa. After spending much of young adult life in the United States, however, my recent return to Okinawa brought me to terms with the importance of my heritage. Okinawa consistently ranked as a number-one popular destination for the Japanese domestic tourist. In 2009, the prefecture recorded nearly 6 million visitors, close to that of Hawaii’s number. Surprisingly, during my tenure at the Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau (OCVB), public destination marketing organization, however, only 3 percent of tourists were international visitors. It is not understatement to say that Okinawa’s beauty is virtually unknown to the outside world. I began to understand that Okinawa needed more people with sophisticated business acumen to effectively aid in municipal development on many occasions especially during promotional activities such as tradeshows and conferences. Fierce competition led by foreign investment resulted in the buyout of major hotel properties in Okinawa. I was fortunate to be able to sit in on meetings with highly energetic and extremely bright executives. They consistently demonstrated excellent entrepreneurship and I recognized that my college education had not prepared me to conduct business on the senior level. Small island economies such as Okinawa, tourism industry becomes the most important business, accounting for 20-70% of the current external receipts. In an effort to strengthen the industry and with new policies known as â€Å" Visit Okinawa Program† in fiscal year of 2010, the prefecture set a goal of attracting 10 million tourists and generating